Hello there. I don't update this blog that often (in fact this is only the second time since I created this site last month...), but I thought I'd write a little update about the project that's been taking up most of my time recently.
After it was commissioned, I started writing my first book, Swansea City's Greatest Games (Pitch Publishing), in February 2014 and have put most of my waking hours into completing it before my deadline of June 30th.
I'm currently on Chapter 47, leaving me four chapters away from the total of 50 and - providing there are no major catastrophes - I should have it all wrapped up with a week to spare (which will be spent editing as much as I can!)
It's been a brilliant experience. Over the past decade I've had my fair share of rejection letters saying 'thanks but no thanks' to various other writing projects I've tried to get off the ground (probably about 100 or so in a folder gathering dust on my top shelf), so to have one idea finally commissioned is a great feeling.
There have been tough times both personally and professionally, but in all the whole writing experience has been brilliant. Much of my research has been carried out in the newspaper archives of Swansea Central Library, although I've also enjoyed speaking to fans, watching videos and using an array of books, magazines, programmes and websites to support the old reports.
Ultimately the final book should make for a great read, whether you are a die-hard Swansea City supporter, a casual fan or just a fan of football in general.
No-one is likely to see the book until it's on the shelves in September this year, but it should be worth the wait.
If you are a fan of my blogs (Forza Swansea and Swansea On A Plate) you may have noticed that I've neglected these a little, but this is only due to the amount of time I've had to dedicate to this book. I've kept them ticking over and will pay them more attention from July this year!
I have another two books coming up after this one - one is sport, one is not... but more on those next time!
Thanks for reading!